Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education Cocktails and Coffee Conversation

We are VERY excited to be presenting in the Cocktails and Coffee Conversation with the AORE.  We are joining the conversation with our North American colleagues and hope to share An Australian Perspective – How Outdoor Education Providers have responded positively During the Covid19 Pandemic.

Grab your coffee, smoothie, tea or water (or favourite cocktail) and come listen in as AORE’s Executive Director, Jeannette Stawski, and AORE’s Board Chair, Sasha Griffith speak with Peter Smith, Sheree Mullens and David Maskell from Inside the Outhaus

They’ll discuss Australian outdoor recreation and education during the pandemic. Intended to be part interview, part podcast; these 30 minutes are meant to help you learn a little more about the topics, people, issues and perspectives that impact AORE members.

This webinar is FREE for all viewers, but a AORE registration may be required for Australia viewers


GearTober – One Planet

We are extremely excited to welcome you back after a break with the ultimate Outdoor Retail Gear Show during the month of October “GearTober”
Please join us on the 12 October 2020 for an exclusive OutHaus dedicated to 
Please join Ben Weisser and the OutHaus team to discuss OnePlanet’s
  • a journey into rucksack design,
  • local manufacturing
  • the evolution of Outdoor Education Packs.

Tell your friends tell your neighbours about this exclusive insight.

Still at the same time 16.17 Qld time, 14.17 WA time and 17.17 DST.